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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wherever You Go, There You Are! (May 16- 20)

After our fabulous adventures in Africa, we took an overnight flight on Lufthansa to Europe, landed in Frankfurt, Germany and bought 3 train tickets to Paris, France... all within 24 hours. It's rather amazing what we can do nowadays, even without the technology from Startrek's Scotty to "Beam Us Up!" yet.  Paris was a whirlwind romance, climbing to the top of the Eiffel Tower was definitely the highlight and realizing that the Louvre is closed on Tuesdays, our only day to see it, UGH... was a low point. Now we understand the virtues of research and pre-planning vs. in the moment spontaneity.
Top of the Eiffel Tower
Our Paris room cost 3 times our budget due to last minute booking, yikes! So we called United and booked some free air tickets on Aegean Airlines to Athens, Greece. Then got on and researched hotels (within our budget this time) by the Acropolis and we're rewarded with 3 days of ancient ruins and free Museum passes and souvenirs and gyros in the Plaka. We even caught the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie in an ivy-covered open air theater under the stars. (Which made me miss home a little bit, because about this time of year our neighbors Sherri and Andy have "movie nights" projected on their garage door with everyone in beach chairs in the driveway).
Crab pose on the Parthenon!

Noa learned his Social Studies/history lessons on ancient civilizations in Athens; I threatened to make him write another expository essay about Ancient Greece. Poor Noa with a "Teacher Mom" glued to his hip. ha!
After a sprinkley rainy day, Les decided we should go relax in the sunshine on Santorini and Mykonos for a few days. A few inquiries at the front desk, a short walk to the local ferry agent, and we booked some ferry passes to the Greek we're in the Mediterranean. More to come, time to go...

Trident pose at Poseidon's temple

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