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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Planning...Dream Makers!

Can you believe we have saved over 800,000 United Airlines miles in the last 20 years? It's incredible that we have enough for 3 Round the World tickets that are 200k miles each. As long as we fly in one direction, cross each ocean only once, and keep it to 5 major stopovers; it's ALL FREE!!  Well, not FREE actually because, in order to make this Around the World DREAM come true, we have also been saving and saving and saving a little stash of money in a jar since we were 23 years old. So now, finally, at 43 years old we can DO IT! Hey, waiting until 43 is a lot better than waiting until 83, and then missing the trip altogether.  DREAM MAKER baby! Don't ever lose your focus...

1 comment:

  1. Hello Ms Hopper and family, we are the Lange family (remember Lucas and Athina at Del Mar Hills?)... we did our trip around the world last year when we left CA and are now settled in Germany.
    Nice blog, and wonderful destinations! We keep repeating it, we are so happy we did it! The kids remember a lot, and what we have seen and experienced together is so precious. Glad you did it too. All the best, Nathalie Lange
