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Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Book Report by Noa

Jonathon Livingston Seagull written by Richard Bach
I just finished reading a book about a seagull learning how to fly. My mom said it was one of her favorites, so she made me read it. But I finished it quick in two days. It was pretty good. Jonathon Livingston Seagull (I don't know why he has such a long name), is different than the other birds. He keeps trying to fly super fast like a falcon and dive with short wings. Then he tries to fly like a pelican and glide effortlessly in no wind over the waves. The point to the story is that you can learn anything if you want to. Be free and don't be a drone like the rest of the pack (or flock). They just fight each for food and stuff all day. I guess people do that too sometimes not thinking. Also, it means that your body has no limitations if you try over and over. Here's a picture I drew in my journal (yep, my mom made me draw it too, ha!)
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