Can you follow us on the map?

Can you follow us on the map?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Countdown...3-2-1 Take Off

3 days left until we take off...I'm past the panic phase, started on the packing phase, and finally entering the excited phase of trip planning. Here's something cool to know, and also just ties it all together for us, telling me that the timing is right.  In 1911, that's exactly 100 years ago, my great great grandfather took his family on a trip around the world, onboard a ship with giant trunks of luggage, as they would have done in those days.  My great aunts wrote a book about it called All Eight Went. When I found that out and then spoke to my uncles, on my mother's side, I learned that they also went on a trip around the world, with my grandparents (Honey & Grampy)... 50 years ago, in 1961! So here we are, the little Hopper family in 2011, retracing our ancestors' footsteps they left behind. It instills this love for adventure and exploration deep in my soul.  It's all just meant to be sometimes.  I love positive signs that tell me "It's OKAY to GO!"


  1. Love this--Can't wait to travel vicariously through you!

  2. WOW!
    You guys are going to have such a blast. I will be checking the blog for photos and stories all the time.
    I might have to go drive the Landcruiser while you're gone...

  3. Julie Tifft told me of your adventure. I am presently riding the world on my motorcycle (from San Diego too). Feel free to contact me at my website: Love to help out any way I can! Chris

  4. Hello Susie and Les! What an adventure this will be and I can't wait to tag along through your post at each location. How great it is to follow your dream and even better, as a family. Have fun! Take care! and be safe!
